ONLINE and IN-PERSON Phonetic Reading lessons

Open your child's mind to a world of adventure with the Children's Reading Program: Christ-Centered, Year Round, Comprehensive,  Accelerated, and Developmental


  • Establish a strong foundation in the fundamentals of reading
  • Develop phonetic awareness 
  • Build comprehension skills 
  • Participate in activities that make reading enjoyable  

Emergent Reader

  • Develop early phonetic decoding skills
  • Learn sight and high frequency vocabulary words
  • Develop comprehension skills
  • Begin level-appropriate independent reading

Beginning Reader

  • Solidify phonetic decoding and encoding skills
  • Develop proficiency in phonetic blending
  • Learn sight and high frequency vocabulary words
  • Build fluency
  • Improve comprehension
  • Practice level-appropriate independent reading skills 


  • Develop a high level of reading confidence
  • Use sight and high frequency vocabulary words
  • Refine phonetic decoding and encoding skills
  • Demonstrate fluency and comprehension
  • Use strong independent reading skills

Advanced Reader

  • Evidence strong phonetic decoding proficiency with challenging words
  • Exemplify consistent fluency
  • Excel in reading comprehension
  • Read independently with absorption and critical thinking

Learning to read in the early elementary grades is one of the most important of all developmental tasks, both because other subjects depend on reading and because in our society school success is so often equated with reading success (Slavin, 2012).